Because you carry so much...
With Daily Channeled Messages
5 Day Free Trial
💫 Feel wrapped in the arms of the Divine to support your sacred purpose and life path
💫 Transform anxiety or fear around the state of the world we live in and ground into your Truth
💫 Amplify your attraction energy so you can serve others in a self-honoring, sustainable way
💫 Receive an energetic transmission with each text message to open your connection to the Divine
💫 Release feelings of self-doubt or worthiness that hold you back from embodying confidence in the gifts you're here to share
I'm a trance channel, energy healer and business strategist for healers.
I opened my channeling gift after a deep inward journey of personal healing that got me out of corporate America for good...
Channeling guidance gave me far more than the answers I thought I was looking for...
I got myself back.
A deep connection to myself and my inner truth.
Despite having hundreds of my clients benefit from the Light that I channel, what each of them has found is that their answers were within THEM.
It’s within each of us.
When the guidance I channel comes through, it has the effect of rooting you back into your own Inner Knowing.
I see you, dear one.
I know you carry such incredible medicine that you're here to share.
You say YES to your sacred calling and devote yourself to spiritual practices, deep healing work and are showing up as a Light in the world to those around you.
And I know that you're holding so much for yourself, your family, and your community.
I know how powerful you are.
And I also understand that you are subject to the same anxieties, overwhelm and weariness that a human life can bring.
You deserve to be supported as you embody the light: As you make the hard choices every day to choose integrity, healthy boundaries, kindness, love and growth over the pull of reactivity or old patterns.
That's why I created Sacred Morning Texts.
The Light I channel wants to share with you daily channeled wisdom to give you a morning reminder of the powerful Light that you are.
This offering for you is me saying YES to living in my Light, dear one.
May these messages inspire you, open you, guide you and keep you moving towards your True North.
Please receive them as the transmission that they are. You can read the words, yes. But there is far more to receive when you open your heart and energy-body to let them sink in and start to transform you on deep levels.
Thank you so much for being on this journey with me.
With all my love,
Julie 🙏🏻